You guys are going to love this...I hope.
I've only tested this in my test site so far, so use at your own risk. It is working for me though, so you shouldn't have any issues. I'll keep testing it for the rest of the day and wait for some brave souls to test it out. After that, I'll put the whole hack together in a nice install file for your enjoyment.
Here is what you need to do.
Step 1: Download the attached file.
Step 2: Copy the new showroster.php to the /forum/ directory.
Step 3: Copy the bitfield_showroster.xml to the /forum/includes/xml/ directory.
Step 4: Admincp > Plugin & Products > Manage Products > Add/Import Product
Import the showroster.xml file.
Step 5: Admincp > Usergroups > Usergroup Manager > Edit Usergroup
- Set "Access - Should this usergroup have access to the Showroster page?" to Yes for whatever groups you want to see the showroster page.
- Set "Viewable - Should this usergroup be viewable on the Showroster page?" to Yes for the groups you want to show on the showroster page.
ZIP file is attached. I am anxiously awaiting your feedback.