Adding Google Adsense in Applied Skin at these places
I am using the Applied Skin ( and want to add google adsense code at various places in my vbulletin forums. The reason i am posting here is when i add the adsense code in places listed in various threads on this forum , it shows up wierdly in the applied skin. All the tables and borders and alignments go for a toss.
I need to add Google adsense banners in Applied Skin on the following places :
1. Below the Login box in Applied Skin (ad should be shown on all pages of forum)
2. ForumDisplay Above the "NewTopic" Button @ bottom of page
3. Showthread Above "Quick Reply Box"
4. After the first post
Plz give your replies with respect to Applied skin from extremepixels only.
edit: I am using vb 3.6.5