Running vB 3.6.4 here. I have version 1.0.1 of this installed and it's been running fine (cron job included.) I do get the "No Phrases Matched Your Query" when I click the links to edit the message text... but it looks like I can manually edit it via the bdaygreet phrase. My working setup
could be because I've had it installed all the while, back when I was on vB 3.5, and have just updated vB on top of it, but I'm not sure. I just know it works.
I have not yet tried the "updates" provided by others in this thread (
picardtux) ... but based on feedback it sounds like they wouldn't add/fix anything, anyway.
I would very much like to see if there's a way to include the birthday person's AVATAR in their birthday thread. I realize this would require the AdminCP setting of "Allow Dynamic URL for [IMG] Tags" to be set to YES, and I currently can do this manually. But with that, how difficult would it be to enhance this to allow the inclusion of avatar's in the birthday posting?