I removed this part of the code
which i really wanted to use. and wish i could still use
PHP Code:
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// we want do display stats either way so they go here
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// get total number of threads and posts
$getstats = $db->query_read('SELECT threadcount, replycount FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'forum');
while ($forum = $db->fetch_array($getstats))
$totthreads += $forum['threadcount'];
$totposts += $forum['replycount'];
$totthreads = vb_number_format($totthreads);
$totposts = vb_number_format($totposts);
// display total threads and total posts - Uses vB phrases, but change if you like
echo"<br /> $vbphrase[threads]: $totthreads<br />$vbphrase[posts]: $totposts<br /> ";
// Only display link and number of new posts if logged in
if ($vbulletin->userinfo['userid']!=0) {
// finds number of new posts
$newposts = $db->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post AS post " . iif($vbulletin->options['threadmarking'], 'LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'threadread AS threadread ON (threadread.threadid = post.threadid AND threadread.userid = ' . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . ')') . " WHERE dateline >= " . $vbulletin->userinfo['lastvisit'] . iif($vbulletin->options['threadmarking'], ' AND dateline > IF(threadread.readtime IS NULL, ' . (TIMENOW - ($vbulletin->options['markinglimit'] * 86400)) . ', threadread.readtime)'));
$newposts = vb_number_format($newposts['count']);
echo"<a href=\"".$forumpath."search.php?$session[sessionurl]do=getnew\">$vbphrase[new_posts]</a>: $newposts<br />";}
// end of number of new posts stuff
also it doesnt show the avatars when signed in

im using 3.6.5