Originally Posted by scan-pa
and when is the next update going to be uploaded??
Hopefully soonish.
but yes, it should hopefully fix the attachment bugs and such.
Originally Posted by mindcry
Not sure if this has been covered but it seems that if a user belongs to more then one group he will get Sorry, you can only send one message every 1 minutes. So, I tried adding all of the groups with similar access but still no luck. If I turn off the flood check for any of the groups though it will work without a problem.
You mean, even if both groups say to have a 5-minute floodcheck it still only does a 1-minute floodcheck? I'm confused, but I'll try to look into it. It's supposed to work that if any of the groups they're in have floodcheck off then they don't get it, because, well, it means they have full permission not to have to worry about it.