I did this using the changes in
this post.
However, for my templates (v3.6.5) there were a few differences that may help others...
In the instructions for "The Easy Way"
threadbit template updates
4) Find all ' class="alt1Active"' and remove
2) Find all ' AND exec_switch_bg()"' and remove
2) Find all ' AND exec_switch_bg()' and remove
(removed the trailing " symbol)
and lastly, there were no instances of
5) Find all ' class="alt2"' and remove
ALSO, this broke my other mod that changed the bg color of a row on hover. I did wind up getting both to work, but it was all custom stuff so I won't bother posting exactly what I did (since it'll be different for everyone). Just wanted to let you know that it WILL break that.
THANK YOU!!!! (marked installed)