Originally Posted by Rouzbeh1
hi Andrew
i have 2 questions:
1 - is it possible to view video files that are setup to be streamed in Wimpy?
Not sure if you're asking if wimpy can be used for video files? - answer is 'yes' for flash-based files - there are instructions in the extras/wimpy-player directory.
Originally Posted by Rouzbeh1
2 - does it take too much time to modify LDM to be able to add multiple URLs per entry? (i've seen it on Wishlis, actually i suggested this :d. the problem is that i badly need this, so any info/help would be appreciated)
about multiple URLs: i think it would be VERY USEFUL to be able mirror base url
for example: Mirror 1 Base URL: http://www.baseurl1.com/folder
Mirror 2 Base URL: http://www.baseurl2.com/folder
in add entry page you would see for each mirror one text field in which you could just enter the folder and filename... mirror 1 : folder_blah/blah_file.zip
I realise this is important to some sites. It's not a trivial change, but I've promised to look at the whole question of extra fields for the next release (without promising when that will happen).
Originally Posted by Rouzbeh1
this is useful, when you for some reason HAVE TO change your directory structure or the path you saved the files there. then you won't have to edit more than 1000 entries, it's enough to just edit the mirror base url :d
Did you know that you can do a 'mass edit' of all your entries in one go on the admin/categories/mass edit pages?