Originally Posted by Sychev_S
Good Job Kyle! Getting engaged at 19...ops you said you were 18 in your blog....hm...who cares! Either way now CONGRATULATIONS to you and your 16 year old future wife can NOW both rip people off at vb.org
I wonder why you made this post here.....you only have 60 posts, it is not like you are one of the mods or anything or in anyway affiliated with this site...
Open your eyes people...
I think most are replying with their eyes wide open

Not that it matters. I don't understand why he posted it here either. It is not like this is a forum where you will get tons of congrats, at least not if there is a ton of posts on the same board about you ripping members off. But hey whatever floats his boat. Maybe he is hopeful that this "news" will make people forget the other posts? Doubt it.