Originally Posted by RS_Jelle
You can disable the rating feature using the user group permissions, but that's not removing the old ratings. It's only removing the rating form for new ratings. You can truncate the dl_votes table and reset the total vote score using phpMyAdmin, but then you still see the "No votes" message, so you still need to edit your templates. But editing them to remove it isn't that difficult, it's just one piece of code to remove in the downloads_file template (and don't forget the user group permission also)
Just in case anyone else does this, I changed the templates a while back -- there were 4 to edit to completely remove all rating/grade references:
- downloads_cat
- downloads_file
- downloads_my
- downloads_my_bit
One thing I noticed after modifying these templates is that the Admin CP always has a warning that these custom templates are out of date, saying that the default versions of them were updated in DownloadsII 5.04, but that I've last modified them in Downloads II 3.6.5.