Originally Posted by Opus4
After having a disgruntled user go through every download and give a grade of F, we decided we don't even really need the rating system. Very few ratings were given for any downloads, other than those done maliciously. I can easily edit the templates to do away with all rating references, but is there an option I missed to do that automatically? (I didn't see anything mentioned in a quick search of this thread.)
If nothing like that already exists, could the rating system be optional in the next version?
Oh -- and we finally upgraded to the latest version recently... nice improvements, thanks!
You can disable the rating feature using the user group permissions, but that's not removing the old ratings. It's only removing the rating form for new ratings. You can truncate the dl_votes table and reset the total vote score using phpMyAdmin, but then you still see the "No votes" message, so you still need to edit your templates. But editing them to remove it isn't that difficult, it's just one piece of code to remove in the downloads_file template (and don't forget the user group permission also):
HTML Code:
<td class="alt1">{$vbphrase['ecdownloads_grade']}:</td>
<td class="alt2" colspan="2" valign="middle" align="left">$grade</td>
<td class="alt1" valign="middle" align="center" width="28%">$userscore</td>
Originally Posted by BozzaJos
I don't think we will integrate such a feature, because it makes things a lot more difficult. I don't think many people will use it and it's just very difficult to integrate with neat thumbnails etc. (+ ImageShack is most of the time very slow

). I always try to keep things on my own site, those webservices aren't very professional to use (you don't manage them yourself, so you don't have any control about them).
Originally Posted by DementedMindz
CyberRanger was wondering I just redid my whole site and the problem I thought was me before is really in this mod. On the add file page in the textarea there is a dot or period in the box by default why is that?
Attachment 62222
That's a strange problem, it's the first time I see it. What's your site url (you can pm it to me, it would be nice to create a normal user account also so I don't need to register, I'm so lazy

) (you need to update your vB.org profile, your site link isn't working any more, it's a spam page now)?
Originally Posted by nasko
This hack is great!
But i couldn`t find where to set up the maximum file size to be uploaded. Can someone help me?
That's currently not an option, you only can control the maximum MB that a user can upload totally. Strange that this question didn't came up earlier, very good option and we didn't thought about it ourself also