Originally Posted by Blackjack
Thanks ChiliVB, though note that there is nothing different about this and Yahourt's. I pretty much simply manage the config.php via vBulletin's options 
Yes, but your version helped me to find a very small change in the config that made alot the difference in trying to use itemstats with the table mod. The table codes inserted by allakhazam don't work with the vbtable, but the html format used for the itemstats by thottbot does.
I have a question:
1. I was trying to get the View_cache.php file to work with the gitemstats cache. But I couldn't seem to get the right combination of your 'MasterServer' database info from the functions file to get it the authentication to work. I'd like to able to use this feature instead of having to login to PhP MyAdmin if possible.
Have you tried doing this to see if its possible with your configuration?