Nice Mod. Installed it in a few seconds.
Installed on 3.6.5
For those of you who wanted it to say "Forum Sponsor" at the top and also wanted the links to open in the seperate window just change the code to the following:
PHP Code:
<if condition="$foruminfo['sponsorenabled'] == 1">
<table width="100%" class="tborder" border="0" align="center">
<td width="100%" align="right">Forum Sponsor</td>
<td class="alt1"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="5">
<td width="10" rowspan="2" valign="middle"><div align="center"><a href="$foruminfo[sponsorlink]" target="_blank"><img src="$foruminfo[sponsorimage]" alt="$foruminfo[sponsorname] Image" border="0"></a></div></td>
<td valign="top"><div align="left"><strong><a href="$foruminfo[sponsorlink]" target="_blank">$foruminfo[sponsorname]</a></strong></div></td>
<td valign="top"><div align="left">$foruminfo[sponsordescription]</div></td>
Hope this helps.