I found a minor "bug", feel free to add the correction to your next release.
The "bug" is when an user is a member of multiple groups that has different permissions. The original code only picks up only the permissions from the primary usergroup. I have a few secondary groups including a paid subscription group but everyone remains a primary member of "Registered Users" except for SuperMods & Admin.
The change allows the best permissions to take effect.
Registered Users = 64MB folder size
Picture members = 128MB folder size
The new code would allow a secondary member of Pictures to have a 128MB folder size. It also saves a query.
In uploaderglobal.php remove (or comment out) the line
$uploaderperm = $db->query_first("SELECT uploadermaxfilesize, uploadermaxfoldesize, uploaderfilestypes FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "usergroup WHERE usergroupid = " . $vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] . "");
In uploaderglobal.php add the line:
Then change ALL instances of
$uploaderperm to
$permissions in all files including templates.
Checked & verified to be working.