Originally Posted by Ziki
To avoid further "Why do you release hacks that don't work?" questions try putting yourself into my shoes.I am 14,on a gymnasium where we have 8th and 9th grade merged together so twice the work in one year and I have to be all ones or else I am getting grounded for quite a long time,then I am learning for my driving license for a motorbike,then my girlfriend,friends and family and then I get here and get bashed for a small glitch!That makes you wanna quit it huh?(Plus I didn't mention all my paid hacks I have to finish)
Hi Ziki. It's great that you are contributing to the community. I think what Paul is suggesting is that you will better serve your end users and reduce your work load (for support, etc) if you put more time up front on testing prior to release. One good method our team has used is getting a group of forum admins who are willing to try out your plugins and ensure that they are working at 100% prior to release. Our pre-release team has been fundamental to our success. We give them the code and basically hope that they will break it! If they do, we fix it. If they can't, we know that the next GOLD version of vBSEO is ready for release.
Oftentimes, a few small tweaks is all you need for the fix. But the problem expands if you release too early because you may get hundreds of users all reporting the issue at the same time and requiring feedback from you.