Locked out of Admin?
I moved VBulletin to a new server, and everything was working just fine...
But suddenly today, while logging in, I was taken to a page saying I've botched up my password 5 times, and would now be locked out for 15 minutes.
So I went through the steps of resetting my password, waiting 15 minutes, etc...
But this problem is persistent. Each time I log in with my new "reset" password, no matter how long I wait, I'm told that my password is wrong, and I need to wait another 15 minutes before logging in.
I'm stuck in a deadly loop!
How do I snap out of it? I'm not the only user reporting this problem. But I am the only system admin, so I'd like to get back on the board!
I CAN directly access the database without a problem, but can't get on the board or the admin cp.
Thanks for your help!