Originally Posted by wolf32
Great Mod!
I have around 20 different RSS feeds and have it set where a thread is created when a person chooses to talk about that feed.
When I want to create a thread for the feed a majority of the time I get a message saying "Redirecting" rather than "Your thread has been created!"
Once I "Force RSS Update" it will then create the thread, but only after I force the update.
Is there a way to fix this agonizing problem, to where whenever I create the thread, it will be created and I won't have to "Force RSS Update" every time?
Note: I didn't have this problem when I had around 7-12 feeds.
That's a perplexing problem which I can't figure out how it could even happen. "Force RSS Update" should only create the threads if the feed is set to automatically create the threads when the feed is added. Can you PM me a site admin login so I can look at it in greater detail?