Originally Posted by GospelLabs
Would anyone be willing to help me with setup for my forum http://www.ringerstuff.com/forums
I am new to vbulletin
Here is what I would like to do;
I have a forum called "Show off your mobile bling" that I would like users to be able to upload into a sub forum/category ringtones they made and backgrounds.
the backgrounds i would like to show someway simular to a gallary.
The ringtones, i would like them only to be able to upload (not download) but listen via a flash mp3 player (not wimpy but same as wimpy)
so when you go to the show off your mobil bling/ ringtones/ you will see a list of post and inside those post you will find the single ringtone that they can listen to via flash player.
Yeah, yeah, next step must be toward mobile content! ^^