Originally Posted by AndrewD
This is certainly possible.
- Install LDM
- Go to the VB admin page and add mp3 mimetype data to the attachments manager ("Content-type: audio/mp3")
- Go to the LDM admin/permissions page, give can_play_music_box, can_add_link and can_upload_files permissions and remove can_save_musicbox permissions from the usergroups you want to do this
- Go to the LDM/admin/settings page and enable uploads and set file_icons_dir
The /extras/wimpy_player directory in the release shows you how to install the wimpy button player, which also is a single press flash-based mp3 player. If you don't want to use wimpy, the example will show you how to patch LDM.
Thanks so much, I cant find how to set it up without wimpy button. Cant find it in the example.