ok, I got it.
Here is the fix for Allakazham.
The problem is in how ItemStats parses data from Allakhazam. It seems Allakhazam changed its design slightly after the parser was written. I fixed it like so...
open includes/allakhazam.php
Go to line 105
PHP Code:
if (preg_match_all('#<img class="esock" src="/images/(.*?)\.png".*?/>#s', $item['html'], $matches_sockets)) { foreach ($matches_sockets[0] as $key_socket => $match_socket) $item['html'] = str_replace($matches_sockets[0][$key_socket], '<img src="' . $path_images_sockets . $matches_sockets[1][$key_socket] . '.png" alt="' . $matches_sockets[1][$key_socket] . '"/>', $item['html']); }
Replace with
PHP Code:
if (preg_match_all('#<span class="esock"><img src="/images/(.*?)\.png".*?/>#s', $item['html'], $matches_sockets)) { foreach ($matches_sockets[0] as $key_socket => $match_socket) $item['html'] = str_replace($matches_sockets[0][$key_socket], '<span class="esock"><img src="' . $path_images_sockets . $matches_sockets[1][$key_socket] . '.png" alt="' . $matches_sockets[1][$key_socket] . '"/>', $item['html']); }
Clear your item_cache information and thats it.
Fixed it for me
EDIT: The only socket Image I have problems with is the Meta Socket. Everything else shows up perfect. Anyone have the .png file for that?