Originally Posted by PitchouneN64ngc
When you update your mod, in the page local_links_admin.php?action=admin, when you go into the debug part of the page, the vbphrase used for the debug title table is 'll_PERMS_debug'.
But, when you update to 2.2.7, the function init_admin_table is called. This function updates entries for the local_links_admin.php?action=admin page (phrase, default values, etc...). And in this function, I can see the default phrase for the debug title table is 'll_settings_title_debug'. (line 373)
When you updates to 2.2.7, this line is not updated (vbphrase from 'll_PERMS_debug' to 'll_settings_table_debug'). It is normal or do you must to force update? (sixth parameter of the line 373 to 1)
Other design issue: when you go to local_links_admin.php?set=categories , you have a little problem with the colspan attribute of the top-right table
In the phrase 'll_perms_force_redirect', you miss to close the bracket.
Thanks for spotting these.
To force the debug title update, as you say, there needs to be six parameters on line 373 of admininclude.
require_admin_row($seq++, 'title_debug', 'll_settings_title_debug', 'title', 0, 1);