When you update your mod, in the page local_links_admin.php?action=admin, when you go into the debug part of the page, the vbphrase used for the debug title table is 'll_PERMS_debug'.
But, when you update to 2.2.7, the function init_admin_table is called. This function updates entries for the local_links_admin.php?action=admin page (phrase, default values, etc...). And in this function, I can see the default phrase for the debug title table is 'll_settings_title_debug'. (line 373)
When you updates to 2.2.7, this line is not updated (vbphrase from 'll_PERMS_debug' to 'll_settings_table_debug'). It is normal or do you must to force update? (sixth parameter of the line 373 to 1)
Other design issue: when you go to local_links_admin.php?set=categories , you have a little problem with the colspan attribute of the top-right table
In the phrase 'll_perms_force_redirect', you miss to close the bracket.