"Do you want to prevent members from signing up for an event on or before the event date (specified at the time the event is created)?"
I though this phrase is kinda confusing, it gives the impression that members can not sign up before the event, nor on the actual day (therefore only after, which would defeat the point of an RSVP system). I think something along the lines of;
"Prevent members from signing up to an event a certain time prior to the event (specified at the time the event is created), or after it has passed?"
would be less confusing, at least for me

Also, I have two small requests which I imagine are easy to do, but I'm fairly new to all this stuff so don't know how.
1. I would like to remove the phrase calendar_rsvpd completely. (I currently use just one space to hide it)
2. Rather than use the standard yes & no phrases I'd like to use custom ones, I want to change the color of yes/no/maybe - but only for the replies on events, not everywhere that uses the standard yes/no phrase. Or, possibly change it so they read attending/not attending, but can't if they use standard yes/no phrases.
Not a big deal, but be nice if it can be done easily. Other than that, great mod.
Make that 3 requests, is there anyway to allow smilies/images/urls in the replies?