Go to Plugin Manager --> Form Hack (or if you've created duplicate form hacks, whatever you named yours)
In the PHP Plugin Code, scroll close to the bottom and find:
if ($redirectoption == "4")
$vbulletin->url = 'editpost.php?do=editpost&' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "p=$newpost[postid]";
After it, add:
if ($redirectoption == "5")
header ("Location: $URL");
domain to whatever site you want.
Now, just so you remember what option 5 does, find:
// 4 - redirect to editpost (thread or reply)
and after it, add:
// 5 - redirect to external website
Then right after that change "$redirectoption" to "5".
I wouldn't use this unless you clearly state in the form that you're redirecting them to an external site... it just seems kind of... sneaky.

They'll also have no indication that their form was submitted successfully.
I hope you'll use this legitimately though.
Edit: And about the image verification thing.. I'd really like that too.
I have found a cool workaround though.. you can add a question to the bottom of the form that there is only one definite answer to, use an expression to limit the input, and make the form require it to be answered, or it won't submit.
It's a little harder than the site redirect... so if you
really want to know, maybe I can muster up the energy to explain it.