Originally Posted by Fungsten
As mentioned in another post when I run it from a test forum the "From" in the email I receive is fine. However, when sending from my live forum the email "From" is blank. Also, that email shows all the control characters too. I have checked the settings in the live forum and they seem to be ok. So, why would the email I get from the live forum have a blank "From"? Thanks!
It takes the settings from your forum options - "From: " . $vbulletin->options['bbtitle'] . " Reminder Service <" . $vbulletin->options['webmasteremail'] . ">" so if these are not set, then this may be the cause of the problem.
Originally Posted by daddygrim
Inactive Reminders By Mished.co.uk
i son;t want this sitting at the footer of my page..and why would this be included in the reminder email? how do i remove this?
you can disable it in the options. thanks for your support in crediting the author.
as for the duplicate emails - i have no idea. there is only one mail command, and with that, one log command.
if it logged it, it mailed it.
the user is updated and should not be sent another email until the conditions specified in the settings are met