Originally Posted by Jaxel
I did discover a weird occurance... I have my 'local_file_root_prefix' set to '/downloads'... so if I have a file setup as /file.mkv, when click on it will go to 'http://www.crookedjester.com/downloads/file.mkv' (this file doesnt actually exist, just using it as an example)... this is with 'force_redirect' set to 0. The thumbnail would be at /file.gif.
If I change my 'force_redirect' to 2, instead it will ignore the 'local_file_root_prefix' and go to 'http://www.crookedjester.com/file.mkv' instead... Could this be caused by the same issue with the thumbnails not being found?
Yes, these are related. There seems to be a mismatch between the way the main script and the imaging script are processing files when local_file_root_prefix is set. A very similar problem exists with the different settings of force_redirect. Sorry about that - I suspect I made a change to the code to fix another problem and no-one has hit the new bug until now. I'm make sure it's fixed in 2.2.7.