Originally Posted by zlos
- what happens to the usernames with irregular chars in it (ex.: b@eutygirl@foo.org - won't work, right? Any solution to that?)
It only allows characters from the list "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_.-". Your "b@eutygirl" friend will be suggested to choose the alias "beutygirl" by default, but it'll let her pick something else as well.
Originally Posted by zlos
- any tests & results with server load on big board?
Not yet, unless someone else can speak for it... I'm waiting to put it on my board (600k+ posts) till I get a few more bugs worked out
Originally Posted by succo
as it's now, sender's nick and alias is switched in the sent message... i mean that if succo with alias succo1@mydomain.com sends a message, it's received as coming from succo1 <succo@mydomain.com>
to solve this you have to edit (and switch) $user['username'] and $user['vbms_alias'] in vbms_functions_api.php
Thanks for finding that, and thanks muchly for solving it as well. This'll be included in the next update (should be within an hour or so, I'm trying to work through as many bugs as I can before going out of town in the morning for the weekend).
To those of you who aren't able to connect properly: perhaps your servers require no-TLS connections? At the moment the setting isn't working properly (small bug), just wait for the next version of the code (like I said, should be up in an hour or so) or if you want to fix it yourself, go to includes/vbms_functions_checkmail.php and change this line:
$notls = ($notls === NULL ? $vbulletin->options['vbms_notls'] : $notls);
To this:
$notls = ($notls === NULL ? $vbulletin->options['vbms_forcenotls'] : $notls);
Originally Posted by abroad
I tried it with gmail, yahoo and gmx but I cant get a connection when I want to install it...also tried several ports
I'm not sure what you're talking about, but this hack is not something for you to check your GMail/Yahoo/etc. accounts from your forums with, this is a webmail system for your users based @yourwebsite.com.
Originally Posted by thincom2000
Attempting to send mail to users who have "receive mail from other users" checked still results in a "User has chosen not to receive e-mails from other users" message anyway.
I'm not sure I follow, can you be more specific? From my testing so far, none of the users have had the "Receive Email from Other Members" box checked, but that hasn't affected the vBMS stuff. I don't think there's any connection, unless there's something I haven't caught yet (there's several thousand lines of code and I'm just porting it... lol, there's still parts of the code I haven't even seen at all)
Edit: nvm, figured out what you're talking about, will try to look into this
Update: new version posted, with several bugfixes. For those of you already using this, you can either uninstall everything, reupload it all, and reinstall it (not recommended if you've already got ppl using the system, they'll probably lose all their emails/etc.), or reupload all the files and then reimport the style and phrase XML files through the ACP.
- Fixed the usergroup bug wacodep brought up... sort of. Basically, if you have "Registered Users" access disabled but inadvertently left "Change Alias" set to "Yes", then have a secondary usergroup with access enabled and "Change Alias" to "No", and a user who is both of these usergroups, you want them to have access but not be able to change their alias... well, the generosity of the permissions system allows them to still change their alias, because it doesn't take into account whether the more generous usergroup permissions have acccess or not. Now, it simply uses a small JavaScript to automatically set the most restrictive permissions on a usergroup that you disable, for convenience's sake.
- Fixed Zate's reported bug of no-TLS not being picked up from the ACP into the connection string
- Fixed thincom02000's reported bug of sending directly to people by username not properly picking up on the permissions of whether or not they allowed other users to send them email
- Fixed mindcry's reported bug of email addresses such as "nobody <nobody@gmail.com>" returning as invalid
bluechris: I'm still working on the issue with the foreign characters, haven't quite figured that one out yet.
To those of you having connection problems: try upgrading to the newer uploaded version, then use the "Force no-TLS connection" option in the ACP.
To the rest of you: I'm going out of town for a few days, hopefully I'll be able to get more of this fixed up when I get back.