Originally posted by thewitt
I would approach this as two separate projects.
The first would be notification of new messages to anyone subscribed to a thread. The only thing you need to do differently from what exists today is to include the body of the message in the mail that is sent out - and keep track of who received mail about what posting.
You don't want to send two messages to someone who is currently receiving posts when a reply is posted in a thread they have posted in, but the options are simple and easy to manage.
The second portion would be to allow email responces to posts that get added back into the thread. This is a much more difficult piece and I'd do it second.
There is no need to include images in the outgoing email. A link to any attached image would be fine.
Makes the first release of the hack something fairly easy to do, and get in the field for comment...
I on board with 'thewitt' on this... This is exactly the type of feature that I'm looking for on my site. It would be of great benefit if my users could get an email about a new post, and their email reply would get posted back into the thread without them having to visit the site. My goal is to share information more efficiently. If some users choose to participate only by email that's fine by me - as long as they participate and share their knowledge. Others may then visit the site and benefit from their nuggets of wisdom.