Originally Posted by oglsmm
That worked great. Thanks a lot. This really is a great MOD for Guild sites. I've been looking for one forever, and finally there is one
One last question, is it possible to make the list sortable by the custom fields?
There is, but I'm not quite there yet. I plan to add this in the future though.
Originally Posted by dbirosel
What if i want to add them manually to the list? I don't want them to edit there member profile and get automatically to a usergroup. Is it possible for me to add them manually and of course easier?
You can create or edit the fields so they can't be editable by the user. There is a selection for that. Go to Admincp > User Profile Fields > User Profile Field Manager. Click on Edit next to the fields you want to change and select 'No' for 'Field Editable by User'. You can then enter the data for each user by going to their user profiles; where you edit their membergroups.
Originally Posted by dbirosel
Those who did not input anything on the field, how can they be invisible?
I hadn't thought about doing that since I'm rather strict. I gave all my members a deadline of two weeks. If they don't have it updated I'm removing them from the guild. I like to keep track of who updated their data. Not sure I'm going to go that route with this mod. I'm sure there is a way to do it though.
Originally Posted by turnipofdoom
This did not appear to be compatable with the version of php I'm currently running, I ended up going with RosterMaster standalone (what I wouldn't give for it to be vB integrated.) Ah well, thanks, though, for creating this for the gaming community. We need more mods like this for games other than "that Blizzard one."
Sorry that didn't work for you. What version of PHP are you running?