Roxie: this sounds like it might be a conflict with another hack? There aren't any hooks in the posting areas :-/ what other sorts of hacks have you got running, and do you still get this error if you disable all hacks
except vBMS?
Originally Posted by FearlessNinja
My server does not support a catch all e-mail address, is this still usable?
Only with the method thincom2000 suggested.
Originally Posted by Kmaster
I'd check my webmail, there's 6 mail there, no idea why it didin't delivery to vbms.
If that screenshot is true for every log and there's still mail in the account, then it's most likel connecting to the wrong account, or your mail server just doesn't like PHP connecting to it for whatever reason.
Originally Posted by futureeye
I have sent many mail to my new alies mail that i have chosen but
There are no messages in the folder
I'm guessing you got through the installation problems if you're asking this. Check the "Mail checking logs" in your ACP (under the vBulletin Mail System area). If there are no logs, then the cronjob probably isn't running. If there are logs, see if there are any errors in there. If it's checking the mail account fine and simply says there are no messages, check with a webmail to see if the catch-all account is even receiving mails. If the webmail shows that the account has mail stuck in it and vBMS isn't picking them up, but vBMS is saying it's checking the account alright and finding 0 messages, then you're either connecting to the wrong account or something's completely wrong.
Originally Posted by thincom2000
The cron job is probably failing every time. I am having the same problem. When running the cron manually I get:
View the source on that page and lemme know what it says, that error usually means it generated errors in the code but tried to display the text as a GIF
Originally Posted by Didoz
How to check cronjob is working or not, and if it's not working, how I can make it working?
ACP > Scheduled Task Manager
Originally Posted by bluechris
I include 3 images.
1st is what i had sented from outlook 2nd and 3nd are from VBMS
As you see only the Subject breaks ... the body of the e-mail is fine and shows greek..
All the forum uses 8859-7 which is the Gr Lang.
Either way thx in advance m8 you do great work.
Ahhh, I see, it seems to be picking up on the wrong stuff... can you send me a copy of the email headers from that email? In Outlook Express, it's usually File > Properties > Details > Message Source. If you don't want to post them publicly, feel free to PM them to me, and I can try and help you work it out over PM.