For this one, it looks like there is something wrong with the games accompanying .php file. Within the .tar archive of the game are at least 4 files, the .swf of the game itself, 2 .gif images, and a .php file that dictates the installation parameters and game values. Here is an example .php file:
PHP Code:
$config = array(
gname => 'double-wiresKAC',
gtitle => 'Double Wires',
bgcolor => '330099',
gwidth => '550',
gheight => '400',
active => '1',
gcat => '1',
//optional leave blank if not using
gwords => "Spiderman Stickman!",
object => "Swing as far and as often as you can. Aim with the mouse and left-click to shoot your swinging wire. The wire will anchor exactly where you click. ***SET DECIMAL PLACE TO 2*** Author's site:",
gkeys => "Mouse",
The error your getting seems to indicate some syntax error within, or the the absence itself of the games .php file. My advice is to just manually install the game by un-tarring it locally, then uploading the .swf file to the /arcade/ directory, the two .gif images to the /arcade/images/ directory, and manually add the game throught the Arcades ACP.