Originally Posted by Shazz
No he didn't
He hasen't even been online
Calm Down.
The person that released it had no permission
lol...i am calm shaz....see......
i was just making a point......correct me if i am wrong
if some one makes a chat system for ex. or an arcade system.....and he uses vbulletin members info jut to integrate his chat or arcade system......this person is entitled to say dont use my code
but when you use mebers info (built in vbulletin) to connect to PM system (again built in vbulletin) just to be send in groups....i dont think personally that you can say dont use my code........because the original code is already there
otherwise lets say there are 3 or 4 hacks for 2 Navbar system...3 or 4 paypal donate systems...these all should fight for that connection system too...but they dont...because those (same as this hack) are just modification for the original hack.....
this hack is a modification for the already built in feature in vbulletin........so why do we argue about it...
saying this i am still grateful for ZT for enjoying his hack for so long.....but also to mtha for updating it
i am still calm...
