If you have a problem, please reply to this thread with the following information:
- vBulletin, PHP and MySQL version numbers.
- If applicable, the error text. Otherwise, a detailed description.
- Whether or not you're using (or tested using) the default style.
- The exact string you used which resulted in the error (ie. [map]123 Main Street[/map])
- If possible, a link to the thread in question. Otherwise, provide the output of a "View Source" (preferably in a .txt file).
The majority of problems can be attributed to custom skins. I cannot take into account the thousands of skin variations out there -- so I can only truly troubleshoot using the default vB skin. If you're having trouble using the
DEFAULT skin, we can work from there. However, if you're unable (or unwilling) to verify the functionality, there's nothing I can do.