I am going with the others with the name, although I didn't think of abuse, I just don't think it fits your site. Maybe when your domain name is up I would go with something else like "Mom Stop" or something like that.
I like the colors you have chosen and know you are still working on things, but when clicking on certain links, it was hard to go back to the forums page. It kept taking me back to a page with half a dog on it... I like your idea though and think that once you have put in some more work and get everything working properly it should be a great success!
Also, are the 5 forums all you have? Are you planning on adding any more? When first looking at that page, I kept thinking I should be seeing more and actually looked around for them so I had that feeling of "that's it?" So maybe you could add more forums, I think this will help your new members and give them something more to talk about..