I've problems with the errormsg "Sorry! You have exceeded your daily allowed download amount." I get this for my User (Administrator).
The settings for this Usergroup are:
All Limits are -1 and "strict daily download limits" is false.
When I try the Usergroup for registered Users it seems to work altough a registered user informed me about the same error message he got.
I've tried to rebuild the bitfields, but it didn't helped.
I've began to debugging the script an it seems the error comes at this piece of code:
PHP Code:
// check if max is set to zero
if (($permissions['ecdownloadsmaxdailydl'] == 0) AND ($permissions['ecdownloadsmaxdailyfiles'] == 0))
eval(print_standard_redirect('ecdownloads_daily_download_amount_exceeded', true, true));
because $permissions['ecdownloadsmaxdailydl'] and $permissions['ecdownloadsmaxdailyfiles'] seems to bee '0'
any Ideas?