Originally Posted by kahmeal
Not sure if this is a new bug or not, but when the images belong to other categories in addition to the members gallery, I get a bunch of blank thumbnails listed along with the working thumbnails from the member's gallery. Here's a screenshot:
This problem does not occur if no additional category is specified for a given image when it is uploaded by the user.
Hot fix, quick and dirty:
in geek-gallery-popup.php in/around line 219 replace
PHP Code:
$pages = $db->query_first("SELECT count(id) total FROM $gallery_db" . $pp_prefix . "photos WHERE userid=$userid ");
PHP Code:
$pages = $db->query_first("SELECT count(id) total FROM $gallery_db" . $pp_prefix . "photos WHERE userid=$userid and storeid=0 ");
and in/around line 228 replace
PHP Code:
WHERE images.userid=$userid and images.approved=1 ORDER BY images.date DESC LIMIT $start ," . ($perpage);
PHP Code:
WHERE images.userid=$userid and images.approved=1 and images.storeid=0 ORDER BY images.date DESC LIMIT $start ," . ($perpage);
No guarantee whatsoever, works well for me.