bringing back the usenet discussion.
At the moment i am using
The main reason is it seems to work ok but secondly the company does NOT have my credit card. Some credit card intermediary does, ibill i think and having dealt with these people for my script they do everything and i mean everything in the consumer's favour. If you emailed them after using your service for probably 2 months and said "i don't like this, it is not what i expected, i want a refund" they would give you one. No kidding.
What is the point, the point is that if something ***did*** go wrong there is nothing that this company could do about it. They couldn't just charge you some crazy hourly charge for their clean up operation. Of course this should not stop you making it happen but it does reduce your liability. The only thing they can really do is email your isp/webhost provider about it. They are likely to be more understanding.
Despite this we are of course all breaking the TOS. If anyone wants to poll a commercial feed then i am definitely up to contribute. If we can get one for $100 a month and 10 of us pay $10 we are doing well. Our bandwidth is going to be insignificant with most people having less than 25 newsgroups, i would imagine on average that is what, 10MB a day absolute maximum. It would require one person to sign up and the rest of us to send in $10 a month. (although whether you are allowed to resale is another point!).