Corsacant - You will probably have to modify the fuction some that does the URL checking to re-parse the URL in the new format.
Jellybaby - That is what the ebay style choice is for. By default multiple ratings from the same user does not alter your feedback score. The score by default is determined by unique users.
As for the new version, it's coming along slowly. I got my dev box up and running, but then my video card in my notebook died, so I had to hastily buy another one off ebay and get that swapped out. I'm trying to get a more ebayish feel with the drop-down boxes for feedback and other options (instead of just those images which I think are confusing to most people). Once I get it to a stable state (it's still pretty rough), I'll probably run it on my own forum for a few days to make sure nobody has any issues or something doesn't make sense with the changes.
I'll be sure to post an update this coming Monday, hopefully by then I can give you an ETA with the new version.