Alright guys. I'm creating a system similar to Digg or Slashdot where you can vote posts as +1 or -1. I'm using the reputation system backend to do this. I've already created the system which collapses posts which have a -3 karma. Once this is all done, i'll release it into the back into the community.
Here's what i need help with.
I'm adding a thumbs up and a thumbs down to my postbit. When a user clicks on these links, i want to submit a positive or negative reputation right away. I don't want the user to leave the page they're on, so this will be done in ajax i assume. Very similar to how the reputation system works now, but with out the extra step of choosing positive, negative and adding a comment.
Any ideas on how i'd go about doing this?
I found the JS for posting reputations in here i think. Looking at it now, but it's not my forte.
If someone could find me the JS call to submit reputation i would love you. (and or make love to you)
I figured it out.
Here's how it's done.
In header include i added.
<script type="text/javascript">
function give_karma(postid, rep) {
reason = rep == 'pos' ? 'good' : 'bad';
xml_sender_submit = new vB_AJAX_Handler(true);
'reputation.php?do=addreputation&p=' + postid + '&reputation=' + rep + '&reason=' + reason,
'do=addreputation&p=' + postid + '&reputation=' + rep + '&reason=' + reason
and then in the postbit i added these links
HTML Code:
<a href="#top" onclick="return give_karma($post[postid],'neg');">Bad</a>
<a href="#top" onclick="return give_karma($post[postid],'pos');">Good</a>