Originally Posted by maranello
Guys, someone please explain how to change the thumbnail size.
Originally Posted by maranello
alright, i found the solution to change the thumb size:
open "photoplog_thumbs_horiz.php" file (or if you are using vertical one open "photoplog_thumbs_vert.php").
Find the line that starts with:
PHP Code:
<img src=\"".$photoplog_location."/file.php?".$vbulletin->.....
At the end you will see w=s\", make it w=1s\"
Again, at the end of the line, after border=\"0\" add width=\"yourchoice\" where yourchoice is the width you want. So in my case, that line looks like this:
PHP Code:
<img src=\"".$photoplog_location."/file.php?".$vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl']."n=".$photoplog_fileid."&w=1s\" border=\"0\" width=\"175\" />
THANK YOU!! I had given up on this request.
(not to be a pain...but if you can... how can control the height as well??? tried it by copying what you did..but ended up with an error, so undid it.)
Originally Posted by BrettMo
Thanks for the mod. It was very easy to install if you follow the instructions exactly. (I made a mistake the first time I ran through them.)
I made some minor modifications that I wanted to share (my additions are in red):
1) Pulled the title by looking at the code to pull the description which was mentioned in an earlier post:
and then added the title as the ALT text on the image:
2) Also, a very easy change, I commented out the user who posted the pictures to save real estate.