How do I show calendar events on an external page
I have the external feeds enabled and using that to show the 5 most recents posts from Vbulletin, but I would like to show the next 5 events in the calendar as well.
I have search and unable to find anything to see if this is possible.
I am using the JS code to display the top 5 posts and would be interested in finding the JS code for the next 5 calendar events also.
Is that possible?
This is the current code I am using that works fine for the posts:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
looplimit = threads.length;
if (looplimit>5)
looplimit = 5;
for (var i = 0; i < looplimit; i++)
document.write('<center><a href="' + threads[i]['threadid'] + '">' + threads[i]['title'] + '</a> <BR><em>Posted on: ' + threads[i]['threaddate'] + ' ' + threads[i]['threadtime'] + '</em><br />');