Originally Posted by rjmjr69
Where does it appear on the forum?
It appears where you uploaded the vbcross.php file. If you uploaded it at the forum root, you could go to
http://www.yoursite.com/vbcrsoss.php and find it there.
Originally Posted by Alpe
Is there a german language pack.
No, but part of the text can be translated. (Please forgive me as I am Dutch and had to use German translation service for the following).
Find and replace this
Instructions: Click on a clue below the puzzle to activate the word in the puzzle.<br />
You can also click on the puzzle location to activate the word and the clue will be highlighted below.<br />
To enter the word, start typing.
With something like this
Anweisungen: Klicken Sie einen Anhaltspunkt unter dem R?tsel an, das Wort im R?tsel zu aktivieren.<br />
Sie k?nnen auch den R?tselort anklicken, das Wort zu aktivieren, und der Anhaltspunkt wird unten hervorgehoben werden.<br />
Um das Wort einzutragen, tippend Anfang.
This should give some idea of what it should be like.