Originally Posted by TMC2K
I have a few questions for the designer types:
1. If someone can do a style like ubuntu, how much time would it take and what is the general cost for something like that.
2. What is the ettique for 'borrowing' a style from a site and doing some mods. Is it considered ok or will the designer get ticked off. I like some things about the style but would want to change some as well.
3. A dumb question about styles. I've noticed that some nice ones are made with tables instead of CSS. Is this due to vbulletin? Does it spit out its html in tables? Is it very difficult to do a site in CSS?
Thanks in advance.
1. depends on how coder works. If he is a fast worker he can complete a style in 1 day.
2. if you look at someones cource and copy his methods i call that stealing. if the coder of that style owns it as copyrighted materials you may find yourself in trouble.
3. that is totally wrong. by only using css you can do perfect styles for vbulletin however you need to work way more that you need to since vbulletin template system holds tables. It is not to difficult to the sites by only css. If you want to check check the one i have in my signature.