<font size="4">FAQ Section</font>
I see this error instead of the flash movie 'Warning!!! To view enable JavaScript and Flash!', what does it mean?
This error may show if you have made a mistake on uploading the flashobject.js file or have not added the template edit to call the flashobject.js. You may not have the latest version of the flash player installed in your browser. Since this modifcation was designed using Flash 8.0 - your player must be version 8.0 or higher. Check these first before posting a question about this error. It is coded to help people debug the modifcation.
The flash movie loads without any images
Check the paths to your image directory, also check you have not mistyped the image directory name in the XML file. The default directory is 'xheader', but you can change this to anything you wish, as long as its reflected in the XML file.
Images still do not load after doing all checks in the above FAQ
Make sure you have not saved your images as progressive jpeg's - this is a quite common mistake.