Time to get serious about a usenet news feed. Up until now I've been all smiles, getting the gateway setup has been a blast.
Now however, reality hits and hits hard. I've had my head so buried in getting the gateway installed that I hadn't given much thought to tuning it on for mainstream use. Until now I've had all my usenet forums locked to read only, then I started thinking about the spam issue. So I stared reading TOS agreements at a bunch of the usual less than $25/mo services. Oh-oh time... I know I read a few posts here of people wondering about the same issue and at the time I just blew it off thinking ah heck, I'll worry about that when I get there.
Well I'm there/here and I'm worried. Not only is it against the TOS of just about any service to pull/suck news... most of them specifically state they are for individual use only. Not to mention the up to $200/hr spam cleanup charges. Several renegade BBS users could bring a world of hurt on the web master. Especially when we would be breaking the TOS even before getting caught for spam problems. Not a good picture.
How about a few of us group together and pre-pay for one *real* feed that we could all use? This would be cheaper than doing it alone.
Here's a few snips of what I found so far...
Usenet NewsServer Club
Account Usage - UNSC accounts are single-user accounts. This means that only one login from your account is allowed at a time, and the owner of the account (or their immediate family) is the only person allowed to use that account.
I will not sell, redistribute, or copy in any way the contents of this site. I will not allow anyone to use my password or post SPAM of any type. If I do post, I do so at my own risk.
INTENDED USE - Accounts are intended for personal use only, commercial use is prohibited without prior written authorization
We have ZERO tolerance for Spammers or Flooders. Posting is a privilege, not a right, if you post SPAM and or flood any group, your account or posting privileges may be revoked WITHOUT PRIOR WARNING, and you may be billed (at the discretion of the System Administrator) for the cleanup, at $200.00 (US) per hour, plus any Collections and or Attorney's fee's incurred in collection of this fee. 30 day auto billing for 1 year
Usenet-X.com = popup crap - Don't even bother
SPAM AND FLOODING - We have ZERO tolerance for Spammers or Flooders. Posting is a privilege, not a right, if you post SPAM and or flood any group, your account or posting privileges may be revoked WITHOUT PRIOR WARNING, and you may be billed (at the discretion of the System Administrator) for the cleanup, at $200.00 (US) per hour, plus any Collections and or Attorney's fee's incurred in collection of this fee.
Posting Footer - usenet-x.com reservers the right to attach an advertisement to the bottom any posts you make through our service. If you object to this you have the option of posting through spamkiller.usenet-x.com, which does not attach the footer.
INTENDED USE - Accounts are intended for personal use only, commercial use is prohibited without prior written authorization from usenet-x.com.