Originally Posted by Tom_S
Is it possible that this can work for both guest and registered members of a group? Our website is a paysite that once they pay they are upgraded into another group. Until then they are just a registered member but with no access to forums. We would like to do this so it works for both guests and the usergroup "registered users" to encourge them to upgrade their account to paid status.
Thanks in advance
This hack is not intended to do this but you could certainly make it do so. The question to ask yourself if is if you want to let members or guests ever access forums. It sounds like right now people get no access, limited guest viewing is intended to let them view a few threads, then stop them (and bug them until then). If you don't want people _ever_ viewing threads then you should not use this hack but can take advantage of the welcome headers system to show registered members a message about subscribing.