Originally Posted by StepOnFrog
I had actually asked two questions that I'd rated as very important regarding the methods used by this, and other MODS that allow users to EMBED, or include, objects from other websites into their posts, and the security issues that they may pose to any board.
Sorry I missed your question. I often hear things about security vulnerabilities with Flash, but have not heard such things about other types of files.
Originally Posted by StepOnFrog
However, as you so kindly, and rightly so, pointed out.. no one gives a rats arse about anything. So, thanks for the suggestion to leave it!
No, you misunderstood. It's not that no one cares, it's that not everyone comes into this thread to answer questions about this or other hacks, especially considering the project is currently dead in the water. There are many here to help and answer your questions.
If you want a good answer, I suggest opening a thread in the General/vBulletin discussion forums. This will probably give you an answer faster, and better than can be given here.
Originally Posted by StepOnFrog
You are a very wise man (if you're a man!!!) LOL... thanks. I would doaj, but I gave up on that years ago, sorry 
No worries, as long as you don't mind if I do a j...