Originally Posted by Fred.
Nice mod!
i got one problem.
If the image url contains %20 it don't work.
Like this
is there a workaround?
Can you post an example on your site for others to test?
(Reason I ask is, I couldn't recreate the problem.)
I tested the
%20 thing over here on my Mac, with Safari, and vBulletin 3.6.4. Also tested Camino and Firefox 2.
Seems to me like images that have %20 in the name don't load in browser pages, period, even if you remove vBulletin from the equation. So let's assume we are talking about images that actually have a SPACE in the name (which as we know, sometimes translates in the associated URL to a %20.)
With an image called (and typed into the vBulletin post within IMG tags as) "play ground.JPG" (with a space) it displayed fine and Image Resizer worked normally.
With the same URL typed into the post as "play%20ground.JPG," the picture did not display, all I saw was the link/URL.
But that's because I had
Allow Dynamic URL for [IMG] Tags turned OFF in my AdminCP. With it ON, both versions displayed properly, with Image Resizer in effect.
So it seems to me, at least, that it's working fine... at least on my Mac with the three major browsers.