Originally Posted by Itworx4me
Any chance that you will make this track ad clicks??? Then have it show how many clicks or impressions the ad gets to the buyer through some type of login area?
That is not likely. It was intended for people using third party trackers like phpAdsNew, Google Adsense, Yahoo Ads etc. The other good reason not to is that currently aside from the optional Adsharing, this modification ads no queries to the running of the forum. Tracking would add database queries on every page by necessity, not something I want to do.
Originally Posted by Skipsoutdoors
I appreciate your work on this item, it's something I need and will really use.
I've got one error that I have found so far, it's with the threadbit ad. This shows up at the top of the Forumdisplay page when it's turned on.
Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /forumdisplay.php(905) : eval()'d code on line 119
When it's turned off, no error.
Any idea where that might be coming from?
Another question:
If you notice in my header I have the large Google ad and 7 smaller 125x125 ad locations. I would like to fix it so that each of the smaller locations is controlled separately. Right now I moved the right and left ad location to those and that's why there's 3 and 3 the same. An alternate would be to fix the random ad display on the left and right locations so that instead of all 3 having the same ad, they each have a different ad from the random list.
Again, thanks for your work.
Are you using the latest version release a few hours ago? It should fix the first problem. As for the second, there's no way to control individually more than the default featureset without a significant amount of work. Sorry.