v3.2 - Mar 04. 2007.
-New: Added text field to enter custom values when Custom is chosen in menu. Otherwise this field is hidden.
-New: Set minimum amount accepted
-New: Unit of time for "Subscriptions time periods" changeable (d, w, m, y)
-New: BB Codes enabled for "Donate Box Note" (smilies, easy text formatting etc...)
-New: Currencies switcher in ACP (easier way to choose your currency)
-Fix: Using "1" in "Subscriptions time periods" disabled (you can not subscribe for 1x and this will give you error at PayPal)
-Few code changes for better compatibility with different server/board configurations
To Upgrade:
-Import product XML, allow overwrite.
-Check Options in AdminCP > vBulletin Options > Cyb - PayPal Donate