Originally posted by Zarkov
1) Exactly which perl modules need to be installed for this script to run?

BI -
DBI-1.16.tar.gz (should already be installed)

BD::mysql - part of the
Msql-Mysql-modules package (should already be installed)
HTML::Entities - part of the
HTML-Parser package (should already be installed)
MailTools -
MailTools-1.15.tar.gz (should already be installed)
Net::NNTP & Net::SMTP - both part of the
libnet package (probably already installed but older versions will not have the NNTP module)
MIME::WordDecoder - part of the
MIME-tools package (MIME-tools is probably already installed but older versions do not have the WordDecoder module)
Date::Parse - part of the
TimeDate package (maybe installed)
Text-Autoformat -
Text-Autoformat-1.04.tar.gz (probably not installed)
Email-Find -
Email-Find-0.03.tar.gz (probably not installed)
Email::Valid -
Email-Valid-0.13.tar.gz (probably not installed)
URI::Find -
URI-Find-0.04.tar.gz (probably not installed)
2) How can i find out which modules are already installed?
The easiest way is to run the script. It will tell you if it can't find a module.
3) How do i find out what CRON is and if that is installed or usable or whatever it needs to be?
Cron is installed along with operating system in every unix and linux flavour I have come across. Type: 'crontab -l' at the command prompt. As long as it doesn't give you a permission denied error, you are ok.